Lessons We Can Learn In The Life of Job
We are all familiar with the life events of Job in the Bible.
Watch The Video Below to learn some lessons you can take from the life of Job.
We are all familiar with the life events of Job in the Bible.
Watch The Video Below to learn some lessons you can take from the life of Job.
Temi Dads is the editor for Ngmp3. She is an active gospel music listener who has the hear for the latest sounds that are released.
How To Hear From God Using The Life of Jesus (John 9:31-33 KJV) Hearing from God is very important for believers and children of God. Watch the Video below to learn the 3 ways you can hear from God. How to hear from God using the life of Jesus. (John 9:31-33)Watch this video on YouTube
Sometimes we are always so focused on the present that we might miss where God is taking us too. Abraham could have been stuck in the past, but he was in the present waiting for God’s future for him. If Abraham was focused on what he had in Harran or what he missed in Harran,…
We human beings are limited in what we can do and how far we can see. When we are in a place, all we can is that current place and not beyond it. We do not know what is happening elsewhere except in our current area or location. God is omnipresent meaning he is present…
Humility Give all the Glory to God Letting God fight for you As God fought for Moses against Miriam and Aaron Humble People in The Bible Jesus Christ He came for the sinners and not the saved ones. That’s why the Pharisees and Sadducees looked at him like are you really the son of God?…
Pride is a dangerous thing in God’s eyes. When you look at different people who had pride and how they fell from grace to grass, you will understand why it is important to always remain humble no matter where God places you. All glory goes back to God and not to you. I repeat all…
Human Beings tend to be predictable based on how they are viewed and knowing one’s strengths and weaknesses can also be areas humans use to predict humans. Sometimes, people might try to use the same formula on God and they realize that GOD IS UNPREDICTABLE. I will be using one of the most popular prophets…