
Koinonia School Of Ministry 2023 Graduation – Koinonia Abuja

Charge To The Graduands Koinonia School Of Ministry || KSOM 2023 Graduation || Koinonia Abuja

Koinonia School Of Ministry 2023 Graduation - Koinonia Abuja

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How to Be a Transformational Leader by Dr Linus Okorie

The greatest need of Nigeria is to groom good leaders and leaders for good.

When Leadership capital is huge in a nation, change happens, and systems move, because everything rises and falls on leadership.

The concept of leadership capital balance is a system that says; for you to be able to make a big difference in any capacity, you need at least 60% in all the leadership capital systems, irrespective of the number of certificates you hold.

Leadership capital balance is the solution for the African leadership gap.
Sometimes, your name may surface as a result of your impactful contributions, leading to the transformation of systems within the nation.

Transformational leadership is mostly adopted by change agents. It is a leadership approach and framework that places a premium on people, changing both the leaders and followers, and bringing change to individuals, companies, institutions, and nations.

To identify as a transformational leader, there are five indicators:

1. Vision
Ordinary men who capture the concept of vision and are dissatisfied with the status quo cast a vision around this and are restless until it is done.
Vision attracts resources and unites everyone in its pursuit.

Visions don’t focus on financial means; instead, they serve as catalysts that attract resources.

For all transformative leaders, the center of their personalities is a compelling vision.

Vision is a driver of growth; Your vision is supposed to be something specific to you.

2. Premium on Humans
A transformational leader sees everyone as an asset that helps others grow. They’re usually seen as charismatic because of their capacity and patience to relate with a very diverse group of people.

3. Perpetual Learners
They operate in a realm of “I know nothing”. Great philosophers like Socrates and Aristotle embraced this mindset. The mindset creates an environment where there is humility of knowledge. They aren’t puffed up by what they already know.
When you decide you know nothing, your thirst for knowledge will increase. To become a perpetual learner, you must study to show yourself approved.

4. Become a Lover of Value
Transformational leaders are filled with;
a. Compassion – This is what drives them. Many running for political office are vying without compassion. Compassion gives you global attention.

4b. Sacrifice – This is known as the concept of delayed gratification. Knowing you need something but you shouldn’t have it now.
Transformational leaders can go the extra mile, sacrificing their convenience for others. Humans are bundles of complexities. You need patience to wait out the eccentricities of people.
Sacrifice is essential and no nation has been built without men and women who committed themselves sacrificially, yielding to the process.

5. Execution
A transformational leader must be able to change strategy even in the middle of execution. Be like water that can pull through, withdraw, restrategize, and launch again.

Don’t castigate Nigeria again. Love the country and speak blessings into her regardless of her disappointing outputs. We can build a new nation together.

Apostle Joshua Selman’s Impartation

The School of Ministry operates a two-fold methodology:

1. Mentorship – a systematic strategy that builds people methodically.
2. Empowerment – an impartation that ensures results (John 15:16).
a. Chosen: it means a selection
b. Ordain: it means to legitimize your operations

The anointing can be accessed in the following ways:
1. Through a direct encounter with God (Micah 3:8)
2. By understanding The Word of God.
Empowerment comes through light from the scriptures (Habakkuk 3:4).
3. Impartation from carriers of graces (Philippians 1:7, Romans 1:11). Paul says all are partakers of “my grace”. The “my grace” is not ownership but stewardship.

Impartation is real. It was seen in the life of Moses, as his spirit was put on 70 Israelites and on Joshua (Numbers 11:16-17;23-25, Numbers 27:18-20, Deuteronomy 34:9).

Some keys govern impartation and they include:
– Service
– Honour
– The Heart Condition

Proximity to the anointing does not guarantee your impartation, otherwise, those who walked around Jesus would have been recipients of His Impartation.

Most people don’t receive impartations because despite the atmosphere being correct and the man of God being ready, the heart condition or state of heart overrides all of these.

The anointing is a function of many things; the highest being the heart condition.
The heart condition of a believer must have the desire:
– To see Jesus revealed and glorified
– To utilize the gifts bestowed by God to bless others.

Power without wisdom is a loaded weapon in the hands of a foolish person.

The heart condition is the greatest requirement as far as impartation is concerned.

You know the grace you carry, by the results that are sustained by it.

It is risky to go to the nations with only a message. You need proofs; proofs that you’ve encountered Jesus, that you’ve been anointed for the nations, that God has made you a revealer of His counsel to kings and nobles, and that you have been anointed a financial apostle in the marketplace.

The anointing answers to genuine hunger, once the heart is open to receive.

The anointing can make you, frame you, be deposited in your spirit, and impart a level of wisdom upon you.

Once you step into your calling, you cease to be an ordinary person; there’s a grace that backs you up.

“And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee before I am taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me”. 2 Kings 2:9 KJV
Connect with us in faith tonight and intercede for the graduates as they are being imparted and prophesied upon, even as you keep an open heart to receive fresh grace as well.
Regardless of your location, the power of the Holy Spirit is potent to reach you. As you receive these declarations by faith, let there be a performance unto you.

By this impartation, tonight, I decree and declare, let Kingdom ambassadors, Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Evangelists, Pastors, Kingdom financiers, Leaders, and Apostles in the marketplace rise, in the name of Jesus!

In the name of Jesus, let destinies be imparted and all kinds of heavenly graces be released unto you!



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