I Sought For a Man (Co-Labourers With God) by Apostle Joshua Selman
Lift your voice and ask God to take all of you and use you for His glory.
Pray: Father, take my will, take my intellect, take all of me, and use it for Your glory.
Pray: Father, give me a destiny-defining encounter tonight. As you restore others and give them testimonies, may I not be exempted in the name of Jesus Christ!
“They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.” Psalm 84:7 (KJV)
No time spent in the presence of God is wasted. Never become too familiar with His presence, power, and His Word.
”And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.“ Ezekiel 22:30 (KJV)
1 Corinthians 3:1-9 KJV
Every spiritual description of a Believer is with respect to Who Jesus Christ is.
”Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;“ Hebrews 3:1 (KJV)
Believers description in two folds:
1. According to our Spiritual Identity:
This is to see the extent of our oneness. e.g I am the vine and ye are the branches; Raised and seated with Christ (John 15:5)
Every spiritual description of Believers is with respect to Who Jesus Christ is.
2. According to Function. e.g Light, Salt, Kings, Priests, Ambassadors, Witnesses, etc. (Ephesians 2:6, Revelation 5:10, Acts 1:8)
As much as it is important to know who we are in Christ Jesus, we must also understand that there is a responsibility component to the Christian faith, and that is knowing that we are co-laborers with God.
Humans are the highest of all God’s creation. We are the apex/zenith of His creation. (Genesis 1:26-28)
No other creature was created in the image of God. No other creature was given the privilege of having the life of God. God’s very life wasn’t given to animals; only man has the Zoë life.
Declare: My new status is royalty!
My new status is greatness!
My new status is glory!
Every activity that happens upon the earth, whether good or bad is man-dependent. (Psalm 115:16)
Evangelism, armed robbery, wickedness, promotion of love, advancement of civilization are all man-dependent.
Manifesting the God – life means more than just looking like Him; it involves functioning like God and partnering with Him in that function or role.
If anything will happen as touching God’s programme, as mighty as God is, He created a system that allows that for every activity that should happen on earth, man has a role to play.
What gives value to everything on earth is the presence of men (humans).
In this kingdom, you are as blessed as the men (people) God sends to you.
The real treasure a person can possess is the loyalty of men.
Humans cannot do everything, but many are unaware of the many things humans can do.
Ministry, business, governance, wars, peace are all man-dependent.
Whatever is making God look like He lied and has kept distance between you and strategic men, in the name of Jesus, may you begin to receive of the ministry of strategic men, tonight.
Both God and satan require men (people) for their programmes to be carried out, on earth.
They do not need men to create these programmes, but are in need of men for their execution.
These six things doth the LORD hate: Yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, Feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, And he that soweth discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19 (KJV)
Seven kinds of men required by satan for his destructive agenda (Proverbs 6:16-19 KJV)
1. A proud look
2. A lying tongue
3. Hands that shed innocent blood
4. A heart that devises wicked imagination
5. Feet that are swift in running into mischief
6. A false witness that speaks lies or half-truths
7. He that sows discord among brethren.
Many Believers are unaware that they have a role to play in destiny fulfillment.
It is not all up to you, but you will play a significant role.
Knowing that you have a role is wonderful, but deciding the role to play by yourself is not up to you.
Your responsibility is to find out your role, obtain the enabling grace and engage.
The price for the delivery of success and greatness is not cheap. Great people always think in terms of what their participation is and not just expecting the outcome.
Every command that comes from God, also comes with a mandate to you, to make it happen.
If God says I want to increase your ministry, don’t just hear increase alone, you must hear what you need to do, to make it happen.
Things To Note:
1. Humans are the highest of all God’s creation (Genesis 1: 26-28, Psalm 8:4-6).
We (humans) are the height of God’s creation.
2. Every activity that happens upon the earth is man-dependent (Psalm 115:16).
For anything to happen as touching God’s program, as mighty as God is, He chooses to unfold it through men.
3. Both God and satan require men for their programs to be carried out on earth.
(Psalm 89:20-21, 2 Thessalonians 3:2).
Creating programs do not require men, but executing it on earth requires the participation of mankind.
The life giving ministry of Jesus requires men and satan’s ministry of destruction and death requires men.
Let Them Have Dominion (Part 1) by Apostle Joshua Selman
God needs the cooperation of men.
Owo Oluwa Nbe Lori Aye Mi O by P Daniels
Declare: I am God’s investment. There is so much on my life; His blood, His name, His life, His trust, His honour.
You must know that when it has to do with destiny fulfilment and the advancement of God’s kingdom, you must carry the consciousness that you are a Co-labourer.
God is watering you everyday and He is watching you grow. A lot of His investment has gone into you.
He will rather fix you, than throw you away. (Jeremiah 31:3 KJV)
In the name of Jesus, I pray for you, whoever has ignored you and ignored the grace of God upon you, let there be a new orientation of God’s investment in you.
It is either nonchalance or our faithful partnership with God that will determine our reality.
God is asking Man an Intrinsic Question:
Where are you?
(Genesis 3:9)
This question is not just about your location, but about your consciousness, your orientation and about stewardship. It is a call to responsibility.
The response to the question “Where are you?” in Genesis 3:9 is embedded in Isaiah 6:8 “Here I am, send me”.
Send me to become that savior in my family; send me to become the captain of that industry; send me to become that kingdom financier, until I see that Your kingdom comes.
In the name of Jesus, I pray for you, the forces that fight God’s program and your role in the advancement of His program are cursed!
I decree and declare, by the ministry of the blood, every legal access Satan has over your life and bishop-rick, let the blood speak mercy, let the blood speak freedom and let the blood speak liberty.
I pray for you, that the wisdom needed to scale your impact, the faith needed to dare things that people cannot dare and the enablement by the spirit to run through a troop, let that enabling grace rest upon you!
Fear dies in you life
Fear of the past dies in your life
Fear of the opinions of people die in your life
I pray for you, seeing that your destiny is people-dependent, every one ordained by God, in the name of Jesus, speedily they will show up, speedily they will appear!
Effective Intercession should have a three-fold focus:
1. Establishing victory over demonic forces.
2. Empowering the intercessory vessels with an outpouring of wisdom, faith and power.
3. Access to the hearts of people who translate as helpers.
While it is good to pray, we need to pray that God finds more vessels.
God is still looking for people He can use. When there are few people, they become endangered species. When satan strikes them, it significantly impedes God’s program.
We must pray that God will raise more people, so that we do not overburden one person.
We must obtain grace to stay in active service.
Don’t just prepare for your calling or ministry forever. The day must come where you start a work. Someone’s destiny is connected to your service.
Nothing moves until you move. The signs follow when you start. Start small but start!
Make your life count. In doing this, you become an actual co-labourer.
Keep it in mind that everything you do is in partnership with God. Always remember that you’re a co-labourer with God!
Don’t hurry seasons. There is a joy that comes with growth and process. Gain speed, but not ugnnecessarily fast.
Go slow enough to enjoy process and mentor others.
Nehemiah 4:15-20, Jeremiah 29:7, 2 Corinthians 1:11, Matthew 9:37-38
Fishers of Men by Apostle Joshua Selman
You have to be a labourer to become worthy of wages (1Timothy 5:18)
We do not serve God for profit or things, but God is a Rewarder of active service to Him.
There are some things you will not have to pray for, for yourself, when you are engaged in active service to God.
In the name of Jesus, men will look at your life and will see your contribution to God’s purposes and see the God-factor in it.
Nobody will confuse the extraordinary hand of God upon your life. It will be clear that you are in partnership with God.
2 Corinthians 8:23
In God’s program, not everyone is ordained to be your helper. But those ordained by God to be helpers are real people and have names. (Numbers 1:5)
All men need helpers and there are men ordained by God to stand with you, as you stand with God. You may not know them, but God knows them.
Everytime you find yourself in a place, participate in making the overall value process effective.
Make sure your seed, influence, resources, skills make things happen. It is on the strength of help, that people go forward.
You never become strong, until you are helped.
Dont say you love Jesus if your seeds are not part of His program. When you love, you give .
If you do not have funds to give, you may have influence: give access to ensure processes are fast tracked and the program of God advanced.
You never become strong until you are helped.
No Kingdom ministry activity should happen within your territory without your active involvement and effective participation.
What gives value to what we have and what we are, are their connections to the program of God.
Everything you do that adds to making “kingdom come” happen, counts.
God is seeking for people, but not all kinds of people are usable. You must become the kind of person God will find to trust and use.
If you are indeed God’s investment, you must allow your life bring Him joy.
Pray: Father, let your program of world evangelisation and territorial transformation, happen through me, by the power of Your Holy Spirit.
Let it be a reality through my prayer and intercession, participation and provision of help in all its ramifications.
Pray: Father, as I commit to advancing Your kingdom, send me all the help and helpers required for my witnessing to be efficient.
I declare that they come, in the name of Jesus!
(Numbers 1:5KJV)
Acts 19:22, Acts 16:1-6, 2 chronicles 26:15
My Best Lord by Apostle Joshua Selman
Satisfy me early with Your mercy! The resources and men of influence needed, let them come speedily in Jesus name!
Father, In the name of Jesus, we thank you for tonight’s service. We know that You seek for people and that You are still seeking for people, we declare that we are available and usable for Your glory. Do with us as You please and desire.
Lord, we pray as a Global family, as you’ve granted us a mandate to the nations, we declare our frailty outside of Your help and mercy. We pray that You help us, show us mercy, for the tens of thousands attending all over the globe, we pray that flesh will not be glorified. We hide behind the cross and declare we see Jesus revealed and glorified.
Bring great glory to Your name. Do with us only what God can do with humans. As we stand in prayer and partnership, all over the globe, whatever blessings come from these conferences, let it rest upon everyone.
Everyone connected to this vision will be a partaker of this blessing in the name of Jesus!