How To Overcome The Spirit of Offense by Apostle Joshua Selman
Phil 1:9-10 KJV
Offense is a trap a Sneer.
Walk In Love.
Offense a trap from satan.
Offense – an emotional state or response resulting from displeasure, hurt, anger and outrage usually caused by the words and actions of people.
Being offensive and being offended have the same root and the root is self (worth, esteem and self-centered)
Luke 17:1 KJV
One way to overcome offense is to expect that offense will always come
Fruits of offense
- Bitterness
- Resentment
- Unforgiveness
- Hatred
- Rage
Offense robs you of your
- Joy
- Peace
- Advancement
- Of the power and the glory of God
The offense is cancer that destroys men
The speed and quickness you get when something is said will tell you if you are offended or not
Offense is a choice, walking in love is a choice
Psalm 119:106 KJV
Offense has destroyed quality destiny relationship
- Aborted prophecy
- Has empowered the operation of witchcraft in the life of people
When you refuse to be offended the devil is shamed
It is risky to depend on people for joy
Choose to be joyful regardless of your external environment
Life is too short for offense to be the code of your existence you must learn to be happy and in being happy you will offend a lot of people
Offense it takes from me and never gives anything to me. It takes relationships, graces, anointing
The business of Offense is bad no return whatsoever
Advantage of living offense free
- Tremendous Joy
- Tremendous dimension of spiritual power
- Favor