Greater Light The Mysteries of Dominion Part 1 by Apostle Selman

Greater Light The Mysteries of Dominion Part 1 by Apostle Selman

Lift your voice in prayer and give God quality thanks, tonight.
Pray: Lord, grant me an encounter by Your Word that will launch me into a new level in the spirit, in the name of Jesus!
My eyes are on You tonight, let Your word come to me tonight.

Pray: Father, give me an encounter by Your Word, tonight. Let Your encounter elevate me, in the name of Jesus Christ!

God has a role to play in your becoming, which is to send His Word through His chosen servant and it becomes your responsibility to play your own role by having a prepared heart, having faith, and believing every Word spoken by God.
If you do not play your role effectively, your result will be short because you didn’t do your part diligently.

God and His servant have a role to play in your excelling.
God’s role is to give His Word and supply grace to you.
The role of God’s servant is to interpret the speakings of God, communicate the counsel of God holistically, and become a channel for expressing the dimensions of God.
Your role is to receive, believe, and obtain grace to engage the Word, without this, there wouldn’t be a manifestation in your life.
You’re the final factor responsible for the manifestation of God’s Word, producing results in your life.

Believers must learn to take the responsibility of contending for the possibilities that are missing in their Christian experience and stay there with God until there is a performance in their lives. We must take the responsibility to bear fruit.

“Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” Philippians 2:12 (KJV)
I pray for you: May you never trivialize the Word of God, and the power of His transformation in your life, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Opportunities never present themselves at the same level and the same rate. There will be a time when, for various reasons, you won’t have them again. Therefore, it is important to make the most of the opportunities that God brings your way.

“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18 (KJV)
You are like a portrait in the hands of a master painter—God is carefully painting and crafting you. Even when you don’t understand the process or what He is doing, “Trust Him.” When the time comes for Him to reveal you to the world, you’ll marvel and stand in awe. Once He’s finished, your life will radiate nothing but “Beauty and Glory.”

For every truth (Word of God) that you are served with by God through His servants, it is your responsibility to receive it as a component of the beauty and glory that God is making out of your life.

“And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1‬:‭16‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

For example, using an interim light such as a torchlight when there is a power blackout is short-lived when the day breaks. This usage progression exemplifies how God created greater and lesser lights to rule during the day and at night, respectively.
The level of light that you have as a Believer will determine the kind of illumination that you express.

The level of Light you carry determines the level of dominion you command. To access higher levels of grace, you must contend for greater light.
The level of illumination you have will determine the level of result your life will command.

The two-fold dimension of man’s creation is that God created man first in His image and then after His likeness.
The image of God is the Spiritual quality, and the nature of God and the likeness of God is to function like Him.
No man (human) will walk in true dominion if he or she fails to understand the concept of being created in the image and likeness of God.

The nature of God can be learned and understood. (Isaiah 40:28-30)
You cannot know how far you can go and how much you can become until you study the nature of God.

When we understand the nature of God, we will understand that we have the potential to manifest the possibilities that are in God through Christ Jesus.

It’s important to learn the nature of God because it becomes a blueprint for your own living.
Transformation should never be an impossible pursuit, because you were originally designed to be like Christ. (Psalm 145:8-20, 1 John 4:7-12)

The ultimate proof that a Believer is carrying God should be love and not power because God is love.

The ultimate cure to evil in our world is embracing the nature of Christ.

There are many spiritual laws that will not answer to the Believer until they walk in love. Example of such law is faith, which answers or responds to the nature of God within the Believer.

Creation will only obey you like it obeyed Jesus Christ, when you understand the nature of God, and when His nature has been formed within you.
The realm of the Spirit only honours those who have become a reflection of the nature of God.

There was something about the dominion that Jesus Christ commanded. It wasn’t about the things He said or did or the places He went to; it was something intrinsic within Him, which is the very nature of God.

Love is powerful, it is God’s very nature.
The more you grow in understanding the love of Christ, the more you grow in Love.

The problems in our society today are the consequence of the absence of the fruit of the Spirit. The more we restore the nature of God in our society, the more we restore everything to God’s original pattern.

The first thing you encounter in heaven is not the power of God, but an atmosphere filled with and carrying the nature of Christ.

Most of the problems we face in our world is as a result of the absence of the fruit of the Spirit.
There is a deficiency that comes as a result of the bankruptcy of the fruit of the Spirit in our environment.
A lot of challenges will be averted if we walk in the fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:20).

When you want the Kingdom of God to come, the first thing you need is not the download of power, but the download of God’s culture.

It’s said that most of the companies thriving and going forward are the ones that have, unknowingly, inculcated policies that simulate heaven, the nature of God.

Every time men deviate from living in the environment of God’s love, then there will be consequences.
The fruit of the Spirit is not just a spiritual virtue, it is an environment that optimizes the nature of man.

One of the secrets of longevity is to walk in the fruit of the Spirit.
Study, affirm, and embody the fruit of the Spirit.

The nature of being a Christian is the nature of God as revealed in Christ.
Life will work for you to the degree to which it finds the nature of Christ at work in you.

If the first thing people see in your life as a Christian is your ability to speak in tongues, then you are a faulty and stunted Christian. The first thing that should emit from the life of a Christian is the nature of Christ manifested as the fruit of the Spirit.

Pray: Lord, work on my character. Help me to be like Jesus!
I was created in the image of Christ, let me reflect His character. Let the fruit of the Spirit find expression in me.
Purge me from anything that doesn’t represent the fruit of the Spirit or the nature of Christ.

The fruit of the Spirit isn’t supposed to produce fanatics but to produce a Christ-like image.

Adopt the fruit of the Spirit outlined in Scripture as a template or modus operandi for running your home, company, or institution.
The fruit of the Spirit should not only be found in our lives; it must be translated to policies that create the environment for a successful business, government, leadership, etc.

Three Reasons For Hate (A Case Study Of The Life Of Joseph):

1. Because of the love of the Father (God) towards you.
2. Because of your dreams.
3. Because of the gift your Father (God) gives you.

“The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭4‬:‭10‬-‭11‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

You cannot function like God until you know what God has.

“The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’s: But the earth hath he given to the children of men.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭115‬:‭16‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)
The real trustee of the earth is everyone who is in Christ, not everyone who is alive.

God doesn’t wait for things to manifest before He calls them; He calls them into manifestation.

How To Function Like God (A Few Characteristics Of God):

1. The ability to create (Genesis 1:1)
2. The ability to stay focused even amid unfavourable situations (Genesis 1:2)
3. The power of words (Genesis 1:3)
4. The power of vision (Genesis 1:4)
5. The ability to make (Genesis 1:7)
6. The reflection of God’s Glory, Honour, and Power (Revelation 4:11)
7. Authority (2 Peter 1:3-4)

Not everyone is going to be a part of the five-fold. The five-fold without a “Daniel” who was in parliament, is dangerous. We must have Christians as policymakers, CEOs, executives, and professionals.

When God created man in His image, He did not create man to attend miracle services forever.
Both members and men of God will become frustrated if all there is to our Christian experience is a continuous outpouring of knowledge, without a platform for implementation.

There is an intentional plot by hell to create policies and strategies to destroy schools and an entire generation of children. We need to transform the Kingdom intelligently to serve God’s purpose in all sectors.

Jesus gathering five thousand people outside of women and children was more than a crusade; it was a statement that proved that God is alive.
There must be a space within the church where the purposes of God must be reflected in our economic policies.

1. Man generally is the legitimate steward of the earth.
Revival was not intended to be relegated to pulpit alone, Believers must rise to become influential and valuable contributors to systems and spheres of influence.
2. Jesus did not shy away from the powers that be.

According to God’s design, as revealed in the life of Jesus Christ, man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
In functioning like Christ, it is important to prioritize The Word of God, regardless of your sector of operations.

If you lose the Word of God factor, you have no basis for functioning like God.

There are three kinds of knowledge man is meant to have and be equipped with:
Spiritual Knowledge – this is the highest level of knowledge every Believer must contend for.
Intellectual Knowledge – laws that govern the cosmos.
Knowledge as specific to whatever field of endeavour, the Believer is in.

Every Believer’s decisions and choices should be determined by the Word of God.

The greatest attack in your life will come from Satan distracting you by causing you to trivialize the place of God’s Word.

If you don’t take The Word of God seriously in your life, failure is inevitable.

The Word of God is the tool that builds both the image and the likeness of God in us. You can never get God’s results until you follow God’s strategy.

One of the tactics of the spirit of depression is silencing its victim, stripping them of their voice. A depressed person is not a noisy person. Their voice is seemingly lost.

As a Believer, you must never repeat after Satan. Let him say what he will, but don’t agree or repeat it.

For example, in the seat of Parliament and the Senate, when a bill is about to be passed, it must be seconded. Otherwise, it fails. Likewise, when Satan brings ill your way, know a bill is about to be passed in your life. You have the right and power to disagree and not accept.

Declare: I will function like God by speaking that which is consistent with the Word of God.

You function like God by speaking and the basis of your speaking is the Word of God!
If you must speak, let it be with respect to Scriptures, regardless of the situation or challenges.

God is a speaking Spirit. All Believers are speaking spirits and must function as so.

Dimensions To Functioning Like Christ (Matthew 4:4):
1. Prioritize the Word of God (Colossians 1:9)
– God is a speaking Spirit, all Believers are speaking spirits and must function as that.
2. By walking in obedience (Philippians 2:5-9)
– Obedience leads to exaltation.
3. By sacrifice (Psalm 50:5)

Obedience is not a gift. Rather, it is a labor in the spirit. Obedience always leads to exaltation.

A speaking spirit who does not walk in obedience will be limited.
The riches hidden in the Word of God only answer to obedience.
Even faith takes obedience to birth results.

If you must function like God, you must contend for the grace to walk in obedience. A speaking spirit (Believer) who does not walk in obedience will remain a limited spirit.

You can’t carry the anointing if you’re a vessel that craves convenience. Sacrifice is the language of the anointing and the language of greatness.

Pray: Father, I contend for a greater revelation of Your nature and character!
The fruit of the Spirit manifests through me, in the name of Jesus Christ!

In the name of Jesus Christ, I decree and declare that the nature and character of Christ will be manifest in your life. Men will look at you and see Jesus Christ!

I pray for you; you will speak and see results! You will obey and see results! You will live a life of sacrifice, and your life will elevate nonstop in the name of Jesus Christ!

I decree and declare, your week beginning is blessed. Signs and wonders shall follow you this week, shame and reproach is far from you, in the name of Jesus Christ!
You’ll see results in your life this week; men and women will favour you; the Lord bless you, and it shall be well with you, in the name of Jesus Christ!

I declare that your week beginning is blessed! Let it be a week of testimonies; a week of signs and wonders, in the name of Jesus Christ. Shame and reproach are far from you, in Jesus name!

I declare: this is the week that you will encounter destiny helpers! You will rise to another level! You will know God and love God better this week! You will see results in your life! The Lord bless you and it is well with you, in Jesus name!

Genuine peace and fulfillment flow from an encounter with Jesus Christ. Tonight, He is reaching out to you and wants to give you a new beginning, regardless of your past or current situation.
Take this bold step of faith to begin the journey of salvation, by saying “yes” to Jesus. With faith in your heart, declare this prayer of salvation to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

”I say unto you, that likewise, joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.“
‭‭Luke‬ ‭15‬:‭7‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)
If you just received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour tonight, we celebrate you and Heaven rejoices over your decision. We’d love to read from you and become a part of your Christian journey.

Tearing Down Altar (Greater Light 2) by Apostle Selman


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