Fully Persuaded (Cultivating The Faith That Work) by Apostle Selman
Fully Persuaded (Cultivating The Faith That Work) || Romans 4:21 || WOFBEC 2025 || Lagos-Nigeria || Soaring On The Wings Of Faith || First Session || Apostle Selman
Jeremiah 3:15 KJV
God’s method has always been his word. John 1:3 KJV
Romans 4:19-21 KJV
Every believer in Christ is ordained for an extraordinary life.
When we bear fruit, it is the only way God is glorified upon the Earth
John 15:8 KJV
- Your fruitfulness validates the fact that you were taught well
John 15:16 KJV
- It is an ordination, not a suggestion, there is a space for you in destiny as far as rising to God’s expectation is concerned.
Ephesians 2:10 KJV
- It is every believer’s destiny in Christ, to excel and to glorify Jesus through your life, through your exploits, through your results
John 2:10-11 KJV
- Every time God desires to see his glory manifested in the earth, he will invest grace upon the saints and Empower them to demonstrate the God life in such a manner that will compel all asundry to know that there is a God above.
Acts 6:1-10 KJV
- The basis for the results and the exploits that Stephen commanded, as far as he was Full of Faith and Full of Power
- Through the agency of faith and power, there were notable exploits that were rought through him (Wisdom) Acts 6:10 KJV
2 Peter 1:2-3 KJV
- His Divine Power gave us all things that pertain unto life and godliness.
Habakkuk 2:4 KJV, Romans 1:17 KJV, Hebrews 10:38 KJV
What is Faith?
- Your confidence in God
- The integrity of his word demonstrated by your action of obedience
- The foundation of faith is in a person not a concept, not a principle
- Bible Faith is founded upon the revelation of a person not just principles. 2 Peter 1:2 KJV
- Bible Faith is first in God and then the integrity of his word
It is difficult to believe a man’s word if you have not had an encounter with such a man. John 4:29-43 KJV
Bible Faith is a product of Knowledge and Understanding
1. Knowledge of the Word as God John 1:1 KJV
2. The Word as Kingdom Principles
Faith Failure in the believer is largely the absence of light or insufficient light
Faith is a reaction, something births faith.
Matthew 4:3-4 KJV
- The word live does not mean to exist, the word Live Means:
1. To Excel
2. To Thrive
3. To Advance - The Word Bread does not mean a loaf that you eat, the word Bread Means:
1. That which is of a natural source
2. That which is man-made
If you live by bread alone, there will be a deficiency in your result, because man was never designed to live off a natural source alone
Whatever natural principle you engage, there must be a proceeding word that comes in partnership with whatever you do to provide excellence.
An extraordinary dimension, when that word factor, that word component is introduced to your life, introduced to your ministry that the result will be clear.
Everything that is created by man too cannot live by bread alone not your business, not your job, not your marriage, not your children.
God does not take bread from your life, but he teaches you that the real result is not just in the bread, that bread must come in partnership with the proceeding word.
A generation that depends on the works of the flesh alone will never bring glory to God. The secret behind exploits is that in addition to bread, you must contend for the proceeding Word
If a man requires the word of God to excel, then everything that man is involved with must also require the word of GOD for its excelling
The ministry of the word is responsible for shaping the spiritual understanding of any man.
The Ministry of The Word Produces:
- Understanding
- Conviction
The Teaching Ministry:
- Serves you with spiritual understanding
- Probes into what you believe that your faith is anchored upon
Believing is not enough, we have to verify what you believe in.
What is Faith?
- Faith in any area of need comes when accurate spiritual understanding in that area is established.
- What you hear and who you listen to is the compass that determines your destiny, not just the will of God
- Bible Faith as taught by the fathers, Bible Faith as taught by Jesus is not just something you claim, it is a product of working upon your spiritual understanding, opening you up to the vest resources of God’s word
When your mind is transformed, when your spiritual understanding is influenced, then you begin to command results that honor that understanding.
Faith Failure therefore is directly and largely a product of inaccurate spiritual understanding or error.
The foundation for the widespread faith failure in Nigeria and in Africa will be traced from person to person, man of God to man of GOD, until it finally lands on the pulpit. This is where the foundation of the failure of the faith of many.
The cure for faithlessness is light, a restoration of accurate communication of spiritual truth. Luke 22:32 KJV
The consequence of this ill-feeding of the priest is the quality of believers that are presented within a territory.
John 1:5 KJV
When you use the route of the word, it is slower but it will bring greater stability.
Ministry with the word is slower, but what you build will last.
Business with the word is slower, but what you build will last.
Romans 10:13-14 KJV
- Believing
- Hearing
- Hearing Births Believing
- Teacher
- Teacher Births Hearing
- Hearing Births Believing
- Believing Births Faith
- Faith if correct produces the result
You can test the preacher’s work by the final result.
Romans 4:17-18 KJV
- All men believe according to what is spoken
- You believe into failure and defeat according to that which is spoken
- You believe into error according to that which is spoken
- You believe into limitations according to that which is spoken
- You believe into Faith and Exploits according to that which is spoken
It matters what you hear because the preacher brings the hearing, the hearing brings the believing, and the believing will determine whether your faith will work or not
When God wants to help a man, he shortens the distance between you and a teaching priest he has trained.
One of the ways that God shows mercy is by introducing men he has accredited to your destiny.
When you truly have compassion upon people, teach them beyond giving them.
The teaching ministry is one of the greatest demonstration of compassion
The greatest form of giving is to communicate truth to serve light.
If you must remain a slave indefinitely, something is wrong with what you are hearing. Releasing people does not bring dishonor, if it did God will not release us.
The only way Jesus could trust that the job will be done was:
- The quality of the word that was invested in the disciples alongside the Spirit
Psalm 139:14 KJV, Deuteronomy 26:19 KJV, Deuteronomy 28:2 KJV
Luke 13:16 KJV
There is a mentality that produces victory and that mentality is a product of the teaching ministry.
If there is a faith failure in your life, it is not an anomaly, it’s not a mystery, and you can diagnose it with precision.
Go back to your belief systems and begin to probe what has constructed your conviction you will find the missing link there.
The knowing-only syndrome
- Acts 18:25 KJV
When you obtain the posture of humility, you will last in ministry.
1 Corinthians 8:2 KJV
The character of championships is in their hunger to know more
An arrival mentality is proof of failure already working in a person
The Two Calls:
- To the Men and The Women of God, the next move of God in Nigeria, the next move of God in Africa is not just dependent on prophecy, it is dependent on the quality of the teaching priests that will shape the spiritual understanding of the average believer in Nigeria, the average believer in Africa. Matthew 23:13 NIV
Revivals have no dates, revivals are ready when the men to be used are ready. Jumping over prophecies and priding over it will only leave us in pain and disappointment. Acts 20:32 KJV, Judges 14:18 KJV
The more you are willing to adapt and endure (2 spiritual qualities), you will hasten your journey to transformation. If your ability to adapt and endure is poor, then your transformation will be very slow - Be prepared to embrace the whole counsel of God (both for preachers and members)
Never trivialize a dimension that is not working in your life.
- When a man works perpetually in error, God begins to help correct you for the sake of your life
- When he finds out that that error is affecting other people, he will work on you and call other people to work on you
- If he finds out that you have maintained a state of rebellion, he will leave you and transfer your Bishopric to another and start another work
- God cannot use one man alone, it is the body of Christ
A Witness is:
An Unbeliever -> An Infant -> A Mature Believer -> A Transformed Believer -> An Empowered Believer -> A Witness
We must begin to bring the various dimensions of the kingdom required. Acts 2:1 KJV
- Believers must invest in building their spiritual understanding.
The Faith problem can be solved by the business of exposing yourself as an act of responsibility to strategic teachings that build you
In the name of Jesus, I receive Grace to invest in my spiritual understanding
I received the Grace to probe my spiritual convictions. Matthew 25:9 KJV
Luke 15:8-10 KJV, Romans 10:17 KJV
Even if you fail with your life, God is still faithful but the dimension of spiritual reality you lack can affect every aspect of your life.
Part 2: Help My Unbelief (The Rules of Potent Faith) by Apostle Selman
Part 3: Written For Our Learning (Timely Prophetic Message) by Apostle Selman
Part 4: The Spirit OF Faith by Apostle Selman
Part 5: Manifesting Abundant Life by Apostle Selman