Enlightened by Apostle Selman

Enlightened (Colossians 1:9-10 KJV, Psalms 1:3 KJV) || SOAR Conference 2024 || HOTR || Enugu-Nigeria || Apostle Selman

Enlightened by Apostle Selman

Part 1: Restore My Soul [A Cry For Personal Revival] by Apostle Selman

Genesis 25:1-5 KJV

My assignment tonight is not to celebrate the one you have found, it is to show you what else you can add to your life.

God wants to bring you completion

The reason why nations cannot place a demand upon is that what they need, you have not understood the laws that make it work in your life.

Luke 15:8-10 KJV

The journey to success, the journey to victory, the journey to greatness is a combination

There Are Three Major Junctions On Your Journey To Success, Greatness, and Excelling in Life and Destiny:

  1. Wisdom (Light) – Has a bridge that connects you from one dimension to the other.
  2. Faith – Has a bridge that connects you from one dimension to the other.
  3. Power – Has a bridge that connects you from one dimension to the other.

You will never become greater in life and destiny if you do not encounter these three junctions and cross them effectively.

If you find wisdom and are taught how to use your faith to work and you encounter the power of the Holy Spirit, you have mastered the keys to dominion in this cosmos.

Behind a life of poverty, behind a life of pain, behind a life of stagnation in life in ministry are a deficiency of these factors.

Proverbs 24:10 KJV

My Results Always Bring Glory

Your results go beyond making you great, your results go beyond making you successful, your results go beyond making you be perceived as someone who has made it in life

It is important to know that your bearing fruit is ministry, your producing result is ministry

One of the major ways that God is glorified on earth is when the saints bear fruit.

John 15:8 KJV, John 15:16 KJV, Matthew 25:14-30 KJV, Matthew 21:18-19 KJV

God has made every investment available for the believer to ensure and insist that we are fruitful.

I will bear Fruits. 

  1. Fruit in Ministry
  2. Fruits of Greatness
  3. Fruit of Glory

Results are great consolation

Discouragement is usually a product of fruitfulness for a long time

Whatever it is that robs you of producing results is an attack from hell

Results don’t happen instantly, but eventually, they should happen, and when they do start happening they should be in an ever-increasing dimension.

The difference between a carnal pursuit and a kingdom pursuit of success is the motivation and the goal. 

Everything in the kingdom must be for God’s glory

What makes the believer’s success useful is this kingdom mentality (Everything in the kingdom must be for God’s glory)

Results are evangelists, there is a sermon only Results can preach, and there is an audience designed to listen to that kind of sermon

God seeks to be revealed, he seeks to be glorified through the saints therefore the bargain is this, the foundation for a successful life is having this orientation that My Success Must Be A Tool That Reveals Jesus

The only way to not worship things is to convert them into tools that reveal Jesus

The reason why many things destroy people in church is that people are given keys without purpose.

Part of the wisdom that connects you to a great destiny is not just knowing the laws alone, but understanding the motivation behind your hunger for results.

There needs to be a transition from being carnally minded, when you pursue success from a carnal standpoint, you are only pursuing poison, you are pursuing what will eventually kill you.

We learn laws and principles but the first kind of knowledge through wisdom is to understand and realign your motivation correctly

So you want to live an excelling life, you need to go back to the drawing board and reorder your motivation.

Understand the motive, the question why in life and destiny.

  1. Your journey begins when you correct your motive. Once your motive is correct to see him glorified through my life, you have found a key 
    If you have many whys you are not a believer, a believer has only one why, that God will be glorified through my results, through my activities.
  2. You need to press to know God. John 17:3 KJV
    You will never truly excel in life, you cannot truly walk in faith if you do not know God. 
    There is a dimension of exploits in life that is not principle-dependent, it is presence-dependent.
    Principles are powerful but principles are inferior to spirits and to presence.
    If you exalt principles beyond presence you are in trouble.
    Principles are powerful but the presence of God vetoes any principle.
    In getting spiritual knowledge, the first part of call is to know God then know his ways (the person, the presence) then the principles.
    Principles generally don’t need relationships they just need obedience.
    Spirits are enhancers and enforcers of principles. Luke 5:5-11 KJV, Exodus 33:15 KJV
    If you want to be great, respect principles but honor God. 2 Timothy 1:12 KJV, Proverbs 18:10 KJV
    Knowing God takes time, you have to learn his character.
    There is something about God that when you know Luke 22:35 KJV
    Disobedience to God is hinged from your not knowing or you’re not trusting him.
    If you do not know God, you will run out of life, you will chicken out. But when you know God, there are things you will dare.
    Faith is a by-product of taking time to invest in the knowledge of God.
    You know his person first then his principles will profit you.
    In the realm of the spirit it does not work mathematically, it works as allowed by spirit
    If you do not know God, there are some things you should not try because the shame and the embarrassment that comes from your life will be a memorial, they will use it in Bible school to warn younger ministers.
    When men know God, they really become signs and wonders.
    Take the time to know God oh, take the time because your destiny will investigate whether you know God sincerely. Acts 19:15 KJV
    It is presence that gives life. Number 17:8 KJV
    Every time you see results that are beyond principles, a spirit has come to partner with it.
    The equation of destiny is not linear.
    When you take the time to know God, understand his presence learn how to invite him into the affairs of your life. Proverbs 3:5-7 KJV. God carries men
  3. Press to Learn Principles

Six Laws Principles That You Need to Learn to Excel

  1. The Law of Diligence (Proverbs 13:4 KJV)
    You must be a diligent person
  2. The Law of Honor
  3. The Law of Relationships (Numbers 1:5 KJV)
    You are as powerful as the men who have chosen to stand with you
    One principle of relationship is friendship. Proverbs 18:24 KJV
  4. The Law of Excellence (Psalm 8:1 KJV, Isaiah 60:3 KJV)
    To be thorough to surpass ordinary standards
  5. The Law of Humility (James 4:6 KJV)
    Humility is based on an awareness of where God brought you from
    Humility is one mistake you can make that both God and satan will fight you
    It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of God.
    Everything that brings us results is not what we do, is the understanding that supports what we do
  6. The Law of Continuous Development
    You never settle, you know they’re is still a better tomorrow
    Continuous development is how champions remain
    Continuous development is not for failure, it’s for those who have already started producing results and something happens to you when you start producing results

It does not matter what you know, if you do not take steps to engage it, God is not committed to making it work for you

Obedience is not just based on reward consciousness, it’s based on trust.

It is not every instruction that comes with rewards, there are instructions that are meant to build trust

There are times God is building trust it’s not reward yet

Faith is not always about obeying for rewards

There are times when God is helping you to build trust

For your obedience to be fruitful your obedience must be tied to your honor for me and my word, not the result.

The Other Side of Faith by Apostle Selman

When your faith is on God beyond the result there is no disappointment again

Your obedience becomes consistent when it is hinged to God and not principles

Hebrews 11:2 KJV

Faith that is entirely hinged on only obtaining promises in this end time will lead to you chickening out

Psalm 127:1-2 KJV

Idolatry is not only physical, you can use spiritual laws to practice idolatry

Idolatry can be practiced towards Jesus

You are not bad when you find yourself being transactional with God, there are expectations and God allows us to bring expectations

Matthew 6:21 KJV

The path of righteousness may be inconveniencing for a long time but there is honor in it.

2 Timothy 2:19 KJV, Proverbs 9:10 KJV, Proverbs 23:26 KJV

The real definition of Bible Faith that works it must be hinged on God first before your expectations

The privilege of communicating honor through obedience gives you consolation

The real motivation is the honor of obeying God as proof that you trust him

Psalm 34:5 KJV

In The Presence of God, Three Things Happen:

  1. The Light that comes from his word
    Brings an adjustment to your spiritual understanding
  2. There is an activation to make alive to a reality to make alive
  3. The Place of Power, The Place of Result
    Where you become a man of stature in the spirit indeed
Two Things To Do To Prepare For A Miracle:
  1. Take time to contemplate on the Goodness of God, not your problem. Romans 8:32 KJV, Isaiah 12:3 KJV, Psalm 103:1-5 KJV
  2. Come with a heart full of hunger and expectation and the Lord will do you good.

Part 3: Restore! (Miracle and Prophetic Service) by Apostle Selman


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