Activating Priesthood and Kingship by Pastor Isaac Adinoyi

Activating Priesthood and Kingship

John 11:41-44 (KJV), Acts 4:12 (KJV), Acts 4:12 (KJV)

Believers are called certain names in scriptures. These names are significant for the following;

1). To reveal our make-up and design spiritually
2). To reveal our potential and abilities in Christ
3). To reveal our assignment in Christ and to the world

1 Peter 2:9 (KJV), Revelation 1:6 (KJV), Revelation 5:10 (KJV)

God has made us Kings and priests, not Kings or Priests. We need both dimensions to exercise our dominion on Earth.

Differences between Priesthood and Kingship (Why we need both dimensions):

1). Priesthood secures our connection with God and the realm of the spirit, while Kingship secures our connection and impact on the earth.

2). Through Priesthood, we will our resources spiritually, while Kingship creates the platforms through which we exercise these spiritual resources or abilities.

3). Through Priesthood we are relevant spiritually, but through Kingship, we are relevant earthly.

Keys to Activating Priesthood:

1). Salvation (The New Birth experience)
This is the only authorized way to accessing the spirit realm.

2). Spiritual illumination through the Word
The realm of the spirit is governed by laws. It takes spiritual intelligence to engage the realm of the spirit. Spiritual intelligence is gotten through spiritual illumination from God’s Word. This illumination can only be gotten when God opens your eyes to the scriptures.

Darkness only flees at the light of God’s Word in us. There is a level of light and illumination required to become efficient priests and kings in this kingdom.

3). A life given to prayer and intercession (Luke 18:1)
The realities of God that you see in visions will only remain visions until you pray.

Three (3) Keys to be Effective in Prayer;

I). The Art of Prayer: This is an understanding of the laws and principles that govern prayer.

II). The Act of Prayer: This involves the application of your knowledge on prayer and engaging in the act of prayer. The only way to get out of prayerlessness is to pray.

III). The Spirit of Prayer: The Spirit of prayer is engaged when you consistently involve in the act of prayer. When your flesh fails you, the spirit of prayer helps you.

Keys to Activating Kingship;

1). Divine or supernatural wisdom
2). Kingdom wealth and prosperity
3). Kingdom influence and affluence

Ministering: Apostle Joshua Selman

Luke 2:52 (KJV)
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
The classical indication of growth is increased. When everything remains the same, there is no growth.

The quality of your speaking is another parameter to measure your growth. To subscribe to the lifestyle of royalty,
you must culture your speaking.

Your words are windows into your mindset and thought-life. The construct of a man’s thinking can be known by the way he speaks. You must culture yourself to speak like royalty.

There is a tripartite synergy that governs results and outcomes in life. This is comprising of; King, Priest, and Prophet.

Pray: Lord, I desire to manifest my priesthood and royalty. Grant me the grace to perform my priestly duties in the Name of Jesus!

Pray: Lord, I am ready for a higher level of spiritual illumination. Grant me the intelligence to command victory in life!

Pray: Lord, fan my passion for spiritual things and your house. Take away laxity and unseriousness from my life!

I decree and declare, every spirit fighting your spiritual growth, I command it to give way finally tonight!

Any association around your life that is not helpful to your spiritual growth and journey, I separate you from them now!

The spirit of understanding of the ways of God, may it rest upon you now!
The grace to fight the ignorance of the ways of God and the things of the kingdom, take that grace now!

The grace that will allow the Word of God to transform your life and culture your speaking, receive that grace now!

I declare that the Lord supplies unto you the evidences of kingship and priesthood. I drive shame and reproach far away from your life!

Let the grace that attracts resources rest upon you now; the grace for wisdom, honor, and favor, let it rest upon you. Let there be results to your Christian experience!

I declare that barrenness in ministry goes now. I break open every closed door that needs to grant you access and open up new dimensions unto you in the Name of Jesus!

Every door that has refused to let you go forward, may that door be broken now in the Name of Jesus!

Everything that has left your life through abuse or misuse, by the prophetic I call it back to your life now!

For all those who traveled from afar, may God visit you tonight. For all our Koinonia online family following from across the world, I speak over your lives, may the Lord turn your life around!

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